Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Progressive christianity and how it's ruining you

If you are a "Christian" who believes that the Bible is outdated or times have changed so the Bible doesn't apply. Or you think that its time for the church to change, with the times. Then you are following your own ideals and not Christ's. God says himself that there is nothing new under the sun, Ecclesiastes 1:9. He knows all. Everything that was, that will be, that is to come. Everything in His word is true. If He said He hated it then, He hates it now. If He said do not do it then, do not do it now. If He said it was an abomination then, its an abomination now. Nothing has changed and the church sure doesn't need to change with the times (we do need to stand stronger and stand firm, with biblically sound doctrine and theology). The only thing we need to do, is read and study....and I mean STUDY our bibles. When you do that, there is no room for doubt. There will be no second guessing. Studying Gods word will forever change you and your views.
Thats whats wrong with so called Christians today. They do not want to study Gods word. They want to believe in a warm and fuzzy god they make up in their own minds. One that is taught about by the false teachers and preachers they listen too, because they believe these men (and women) are spiritually sound so they have to be preaching the truth.
A god who won't send people to hell, one that is okay with abortion (you know women's right and all) one that is okay with homosexuality (because love is love). Do you not understand that all that goes against Gods word and what he stands for!? He is holy. Sin has to be punished. The only redeemer we have is Jesus. He came to take on ALL OUR SINS. So that we could have a way to the Father. So that we don't have to go to hell. My prayer is that you will be moved by the Holy Spirit and repent of your sins. Ask Jesus to forgive you and to be your Savior. You will never regret it. You will never look back on your past and miss it. You will be forever changed! And if you are a Christian that has fallen for the false teaching of progressive christianity, its not to late to repent.
Read Roman's 1:26-32 for context
Actually just read all of Roman's 1, its full of some good, hard-core truth! The whole Bible is! 
I end on this, Roman's 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Romans 12:2 
If we are truly saved and love Jesus. We will not want anything to do with what this world glorifies. 

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